Our Programs

Awareness, Relief and Empowerment

Photo of a mother holding her infant child at Kabanga, forced to leave her village after the birth of her child

One of our most important goals is to raise awareness about the condition of albinism, and the issues facing people with albinism in East Africa. We strive to educate the general population on the basic facts about albinism, and we disseminate educational material in both English and Swahili to dispel the myths that surround the condition.

We also educate people with albinism and their families the scientific nature of albinism and how it passed down in a family, and on how to stay safe in the sun. We provide direct relief in the form of sunglasses, hats, long-sleeved shirts and sunscreen. Asante Mariamu also provides low vision devices, and the training on how to use the magnifiers and monoculars. Finally, we work to empower people with albinism by supporting educational efforts.

Asante Mariamu’s Programs